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Senior Laser Heat Treatment Process Engineer
  • 职位名称:Senior Laser Heat Treatment Process Engineer
  • 工作地点:Wuhan
  • 职位类型:Technical
  • 招聘渠道:海外招聘
  • 发布时间:2024-04-07

Job Responsibilities:

1. Responsible for handling material and laser related issues during the critical technology validation stage of new products, and providing process support for product development.

2. Conduct research on laser heat treatment technology, optimize process parameters, output laser optical selection schemes and optimization suggestions.

3. Track the development of laser heat treatment technology and the application of new technologies, and propose suggestions for technological improvement and innovation.


1. Majors in Materials and Heat Treatment Technology, Laser Processing Engineering, Optical Engineering or related fields, with a doctoral degree or above, and a doctoral degree in Optics or Optical Mechanical Systems or a background in Optical Mechanical Research Institute are preferred;

2. Possess basic knowledge of material heat treatment, familiar with the thermal properties and phase transition laws of materials, and design and analyze reasonable heat treatment parameters;

3. Familiarize oneself with the principles and performance parameters of lasers, understand the design and optimization of optical systems, have forward-looking thinking about the latest laser heat treatment technology, be able to anticipate industry trends and propose innovative solutions based on them;
